Friday, May 10, 2019

Is Credit Holding You Back? Not Anymore!

Life happens to ALL of us. I have been though it just like many of my clients that I serve and that is certain challenges in life happen, loss of job, income, divorce, health.. economy! You name it! and our credit can become affected.
Many of you may already know that I was a HUD certified housing counselor for many years after the economic crash and I helped SAVE many of my clients homes from foreclosure and I also short sold homes for those clients that simply wanted out of the tremendous negative equity load.
I counseled and coached clients on budgeting and other items to help them get their credit restored. At that time I met George Cole. George was able to help take the load off and work with those clients that had foreclosures, bankruptcy, and other challenges to get those items removed. The process was different then and many things have changed with the credit bureaus. George has grown his company and evolved with the times and is able to reverse negative credit.
Yes that is right. Reverse Negative Credit. The old method has been "dispute dispute dispute" and I have not recommended ANY companies ( outside of Housing Counselors and the Mortgage Company you are working with to get a credit "re score") up until now as you cannot have any items in dispute when you make a mortgage applicaiton and as soon as they come out of dispute the credit score drops. I also did not like all the "membershi[" sites that want you to enroll and pay them monthly the rest of your days as they say they only dispute a few items at at time. 
This is COMPLETELY different. It works.  please take a look at the information videos testimonials.. contact their office or hey call me!
Whether you decide to purchase a home or not.. you still need your credit to obtain good interest rates on auto loans and insurance... and even to rent. 

Warm Regards,

Latika Archuleta
Citywide Brokers

Your business is a pleasure!

Fix your Credit! Start with Debt Validation!

In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you can challenge the validity of a debt. Following is a sample debt validation letter that you can use to request the creditor/collection agency verify that the debt is actually yours and you are legally bound to pay that debt. However, make sure you send the debt validation letter in registered mail.

Re: Acct No 
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter in response to the phone call/letter received from you on (Date). In conformance to my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), I am requesting you to provide me with a validation of the debt that you talked of earlier. Please note, this is not a refusal to pay, rather a statement that your claim is disputed and validation is demanded. (15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b))
I do hereby request that your office provide me with complete documentation to verify that I owe the said debt and have any legal obligation to pay you.
Please provide me with the following:
  1. Agreement with the creditor that authorizes you to collect on this alleged debt
  2. The agreement bearing my signature stating that I have agreed to assume the debt
  3. Valid copies of the debt agreement stating the amount of the debt and interest charges
  4. Proof that the Statute of Limitations has not expired
  5. Complete payment history on this account along with an accounting of all additional charges being assessed
  6. Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state; and
  7. Your license numbers and Registered Agent
If your office fails to reply to this debt validation letter within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all instances related to this account must be immediately deleted and completely removed from my credit file. Moreover, all future attempts to collect on the said debt must be ceased.
Your non-compliance with my request will also be construed as an absolute waiver of all claims to enforce the debt against me and your implied agreement to compensate me for court costs and attorney fees if I am forced to bring this matter before a judge.
Thanking you,
Your Signature_______________________
Your Name__________________________

Rental Assistance in COVID -19 Resources for Renters and Homeowners!

  There is still help for homeowners and renters!   Please see the resources below that may assist you and your family in this difficult tim...