Friday, May 10, 2019

Is Credit Holding You Back? Not Anymore!

Life happens to ALL of us. I have been though it just like many of my clients that I serve and that is certain challenges in life happen, loss of job, income, divorce, health.. economy! You name it! and our credit can become affected.
Many of you may already know that I was a HUD certified housing counselor for many years after the economic crash and I helped SAVE many of my clients homes from foreclosure and I also short sold homes for those clients that simply wanted out of the tremendous negative equity load.
I counseled and coached clients on budgeting and other items to help them get their credit restored. At that time I met George Cole. George was able to help take the load off and work with those clients that had foreclosures, bankruptcy, and other challenges to get those items removed. The process was different then and many things have changed with the credit bureaus. George has grown his company and evolved with the times and is able to reverse negative credit.
Yes that is right. Reverse Negative Credit. The old method has been "dispute dispute dispute" and I have not recommended ANY companies ( outside of Housing Counselors and the Mortgage Company you are working with to get a credit "re score") up until now as you cannot have any items in dispute when you make a mortgage applicaiton and as soon as they come out of dispute the credit score drops. I also did not like all the "membershi[" sites that want you to enroll and pay them monthly the rest of your days as they say they only dispute a few items at at time. 
This is COMPLETELY different. It works.  please take a look at the information videos testimonials.. contact their office or hey call me!
Whether you decide to purchase a home or not.. you still need your credit to obtain good interest rates on auto loans and insurance... and even to rent. 

Warm Regards,

Latika Archuleta
Citywide Brokers

Your business is a pleasure!

Fix your Credit! Start with Debt Validation!

In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you can challenge the validity of a debt. Following is a sample debt validation letter that you can use to request the creditor/collection agency verify that the debt is actually yours and you are legally bound to pay that debt. However, make sure you send the debt validation letter in registered mail.

Re: Acct No 
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter in response to the phone call/letter received from you on (Date). In conformance to my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), I am requesting you to provide me with a validation of the debt that you talked of earlier. Please note, this is not a refusal to pay, rather a statement that your claim is disputed and validation is demanded. (15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b))
I do hereby request that your office provide me with complete documentation to verify that I owe the said debt and have any legal obligation to pay you.
Please provide me with the following:
  1. Agreement with the creditor that authorizes you to collect on this alleged debt
  2. The agreement bearing my signature stating that I have agreed to assume the debt
  3. Valid copies of the debt agreement stating the amount of the debt and interest charges
  4. Proof that the Statute of Limitations has not expired
  5. Complete payment history on this account along with an accounting of all additional charges being assessed
  6. Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state; and
  7. Your license numbers and Registered Agent
If your office fails to reply to this debt validation letter within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all instances related to this account must be immediately deleted and completely removed from my credit file. Moreover, all future attempts to collect on the said debt must be ceased.
Your non-compliance with my request will also be construed as an absolute waiver of all claims to enforce the debt against me and your implied agreement to compensate me for court costs and attorney fees if I am forced to bring this matter before a judge.
Thanking you,
Your Signature_______________________
Your Name__________________________

Friday, April 26, 2019

Craigslist Rental Scams - Renters Beware! Protect yourself before giving anyone your money!

Unfortunately I have received several calls on my listings from people telling me that they were getting ready to pay large deposits to rent the homes that I have for sale. 1 person actually sent the deposit via cash app to someone, and another person luckily googled the property address and saw it was listed for sale and called me directly. Scammers are taking active listings that are for sale and rent and placing them on Craigslist as their own rentals to collect money from prospective renters and then disappear. Protect yourself and verify the person owns the property or rightfully has a management agreement from the seller to handle the lease/ transaction. 
But if you are tired of renting now is the time think about a purchase! Beware of Lease Purchase Options as most require a substantial non refundable down payment and if you do not close on the property within the specified time period ( usually 1 year) then you risk losing your money. You are required to put up a typically non refundable deposit on the lease purchase, I have seen on average $5,000 to $10,000 depending upon the home. If you do not meet the terms of the original contract you sign then you will absolutely lose the money that you have given to secure the contract.
Many things can and usually happen that prevent the transaction from closing. 99% of the time they never get worked out. You do not earn any equity , have basically made rent payments and will loose what could have been a down payment for another home.
There are so many benefits to home ownership
Greater Privacy
Homes typically increase in values - while rental payments increase with no equity
Your costs are predictable and more stable than renting if you have a fixed rate mortgage.
The interest and property tax portion of your payment is tax deductible
Pride in Ownership
I find that it is best to speak with a Realtor, get pre qualified by a reputable lender to discuss your options and timeline to purchase. You will also be made aware of any credit challenges and understand what the down payment and monthly payment will be on the home price range you desire. I have been a Realtor for a long time and have helped many families obtain home ownership and I am happy to help you to! 770-231-2253

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Mortgage Do's and Don't for a Smooth Loan Approval!!

DO Call us if you have any questions
DO Provide requested documentation promptly and include all items and pages
DO Continue living at your current residence
DO Continue making your mortgage or rent payment
DO Continue to use your credit as normal
DO Keep your SAME job/ Employer
DO Stay Current on ALL accounts!

DO NOT Change marital status
DO NOT Make any major purchases (new car, furniture, appliances, mattress etc)
DO NOT Change bank accounts
DO NOT Make any large cash deposits into your bank account
DO NOT Transfer any balances from one account to another
DO NOT Close any credit card accounts
DO NOT Consolidate you debt onto one or two credit cards
DO NOT Max out or over charge credit cards
DO NOT Bounce a check
DO NOT Allow a bank account to go negative
DO NOT Take out a new loan or co-sign on any loan
DO NOT Pay off charge off’s or collections without discussing with your loan officer
DO NOT Finance any medical procedures
DO NOT Join a fitness club
DO NOT Open a new cell phone account
DO NOT Have your credit pulled by ANY company.
DO NOT Accept “Pre-Approved” offers
DO NOT Have your credit pulled or dispute any information on your credit report.

Friday, April 19, 2019

4 Secrets To A Stress Free Transaction for Buyers :-)

Curious About Your Homes Value?

Monday, April 15, 2019

Educators can get money to help them buy homes in expensive areas they teach in!

The Process

Your dream home cost: $500,000
(Home prices may be higher or lower in your area. This example is based on a home in Denver, Colorado.)
You need a $100,000 down payment
But that seems nearly impossible!
You can partner with Landed to get the $50,000 you need today
There are no monthly payments to Landed, and our fund helps more educators.
We help you find your dream home and contribute to the down payment
In this $500,000 home example, you put in $50,000, Landed puts in $50,000, and the bank provides a $400,000 loan.
Your dream home becomes your real home
You pay the costs of ownership but don’t make any monthly payments to Landed.
Some time passes, while you live happily in your home
Landed makes its return on investment when you sell or buy out the investment
For giving you half of your down payment, you'll share 25% of the investment gain or loss with Landed.
If your home goes up in value,
 both you and Landed win
Sale Price$600,000
Landed’s share of gain+$25,000
Landed’s down payment$50,000
Landed Keeps$75,000
Your share of gain+$75,000
Your down payment$50,000
Mortgage principal paid down$85,000
You Keep$210,000
If your home goes down in value,
 both you and Landed lose
Sale Price$400,000
Landed’s share of Loss-$25,000
Landed’s down payment$50,000
Landed Keeps$25,000
Your share of loss-$75,000
Your down payment$50,000
Mortgage principal paid down$85,000
You Keep$60,000
These are estimates only. Contact us for more information. 
“Mortgage principal paid down” is based on staying in your home for 10 years. You can learn more about your mortgage here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Landed currently available?
Landed is currently available to employees of specific public K-12 school districts, colleges, and universities in expensive areas of California, Colorado, and Washington. You can view the list of counties here
If that's you, please reach out to us here or email us at!

We are in the process of expanding to other cities across the United States, so you are welcome to sign up even if your city is not eligible yet. :)
Is down payment support the only thing you offer?
Landed offers more than down payment support. We're committed to supporting the educators we serve. So even if you're not ready to buy a home, we would love to speak with you. You can set up a time to chat with us after signing up here.
We also provide:

Rental Assistance in COVID -19 Resources for Renters and Homeowners!

  There is still help for homeowners and renters!   Please see the resources below that may assist you and your family in this difficult tim...